You know, I've read a boatload of mail today, and it seems like almost half of it was someone being angry with someone else over the *stupidest* little things. When it comes down to it, if we all thought the same way and felt the same things and believed the same way about everything, sure, we could all get along, but how *boring* it would be! Keep in mind that every person is an individual, created as an individual masterpiece by a loving God, and has much to contribute to the whole, if we could learn to look beyond our own tiny world and into others. I'm ranting here, so I'll let Pooh sum up... For a long time they looked at the river beneath them, saying nothing, and the river said nothing too, for it felt very quiet and peaceful on this summer afternoon. "Tigger is all right *really*," said Piglet lazily. "Of course he is," said Christopher Robin. "Everybody is *really*," said Pooh. "That's what *I* think," said Pooh. "But I don't suppose I'm right," he said. "Of course you are," said Christopher Robin. G'night. CR